Araceli ara.
Arando remueve la tierra y germinan relatos,
viejos cantos de amor y desengaño.
Araceli ara.
Arando remueve su historia,
costeños sones irrigados por la fuente de la jarana.
Araceli ara.
Recorre surcos, tierra de siembra.
Esparce semillas frescas del fruto heredado,
orgullosa parte de la cosecha del tiempo.
Araceli ara.
Y arando.
Urgando en los sones.
Rastreando relatos.
Moviendo la tierra.
Brota la raíz.
La lengua de sus abuelos.
Araceli plows
By plowing, she rakes the earth and stories germinate
Among old songs of love and disappointment
Araceli plows
By plowing, she rakes her story
Coastal sounds irrigated by the jarana’s fountain
Araceli plows
Walking through furrows, sowing land
Spreading fresh seeds from the inherited fruit
Proud part of the harvest of time
Araceli plows
And by plowing
Delving through the sounds
Tracking stories
Moving the earth
The root sprouts:
The language of her grandparents